Can anyone else relate to this

Hi there Im 69 years old now. In my twenties I went through a very stressful episode during which I developed some symptoms. Numbness down one side and a feeling of weakness...probably others that I cant now remember. I was tested for MS ...lumbar puncture and a few other tests. Was told at the time to wait and see. nothing much happened after that and carried on with life...had 2 children and just got on with things...a few episodes of numbness in my leg but soon passed and thought nothing of it really.Ive always been a bit of a tired soul so just thought it was just the way I was built so to speak. All well till quite recently...husband passed away 2 years ago and then another very stressful event about a month I have numbness back and blurred vision. Collapsed at home and tested for stroke which was negative. So far no one has mentioned MS but is it possible it could return after such a long time...over 40 years since first episode.