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Covid booster

Hi. I’m wondering if the guidance has changed around fingolimod/RRMS and Covid risk? I’ve not been invited for a spring booster and when I looked on the vaccine info site MS is no longer listed as a condition that is considered ‘vulnerable’. Has anyone else previously been invited for all boosters and then nothing this spring? My last vaccine was in November 23. I’m in Scotland if it makes a difference. Thanks!

@lindsc I'm the same as you, all jabs done up to the end of last year (flu and covid) and nothing for this year. If in doubt check with your GP. I haven't had any sort of flu or cold infection this year so I presume the vaccines are working. I would suggest keeping up with the annual flu jab.


I got a covid booster about a month ago. if you’re taking a DMT you are classed as having a suppressed immune system which is how I was able to have it. Hope this helps