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Hair health

Bit of an odd one and definitely not anything major to worry about but... I’ve really noticed over the last few years that my hair has gradually become super dry, brittle, tangled... I’m prone to shedding more hair than ever too. I’ve tried to cut back on using heat and use a crazy amount of conditioner. I’m starting to wonder if my hair is struggling due to my MS meds. I’ve been on tecfidera, then mavenclad and now copaxone. Anyone else suffering from similar things to do with hair and has anyone found a way to overcome problems e.g. supplements, specific products. My diet is pretty varied and healthy.

Hey I personally don't have this problem, but I've seen lots of people recommend biotin supplements on other MS groups? X


I found adding vitamin C, helps. I was having a lot of shedding and tangles and the vitamin C seemed to help.