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Bad day! Is this really M.S.

Hi everyone. Hope you’re all doing ok. I’m having a meltdown today. 2 people have told me I’m getting worse. Am I expecting too much? Here’s what happened: On Wednesday had to attend a hospital app with my other half (he really wanted me to go with him as I tried to get out of it). We live in York, his appointment was Leeds General Infirmary. I had to get up at 6.30 which I never do now! He drove to the LGI and parked as close to entrance we needed as possible. I had what used to be a short walk from the car to the entrance, then I had a rest and a coffee. We then had to walk further to the department. I sat down for the next 90 mins or so then had to walk back to car. It was harder walking back as legs were weak. Went for a maccy d’s for lunch then home. 2 hours later I had my plegridy injection. Yesterday was my Dads 80th birthday so had to get up, shower and hair wash (with a seat in shower), then I drove to my parents about 10 mins away! Felt really poorly. Sick, lightheaded, exhausted. Laid on the sofa for a couple of hours before heading home. Slept from 12 till 2.30. Had to get changed to go out for tea and was driven to restaurant. Ate meal came home via mum and dads for cake and was soo poorly by 8.30 went straight to bed without doing other meds. Couldn’t sleep as too wired. I have a wheelchair but try not to use it so I don’t lose the use of my legs. Maybe I should be using it all the time, instead of my trusty stick! This morning I can’t stop crying! Is this my life now? I’ve met other MS’ers who have far more energy than me and are getting on with their lives. I dread having to go back to work in January, even only 16 hours. Sorry for long post - needed to get it off chest!

that sounds like you packed a lot into 2 days. I wouldn't beat yourself up about this and give yourself a break. you need to think about yourself more and make sure you plan time to rest as your body needs it 🩷


@nikchez I can’t get used to this. That used to be a quiet 2 days for me. is it normal to feel ill after doing too much?