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Lhermittes Sign/Advice

Hi! Apologies if I’m posting this in the wrong part of the forum. Recently (last 2/3 months) I’ve been having some strange sensations in my body that have had me wondering about MS being a possible cause. The most noticeable symptom has been a numb/tingling sensation in my right leg/pelvis/stomach area when I move my chin to my chest. It would not happen with any other movement or neck flexion, only chin to chest. It would come on mainly after I had a hot shower or exercise, but I have felt it at other times also. Does this sound like Lhermitte’s sign to some of you? From reading about others experience it seems to be, but after a disappointing GP visit today, the doctor told me “bodies” do strange things sometimes and it would only be Lhermittes if it travelled down my spine and into my arms. Ive also had a feeling of crawling/cold tingling behind my left shoulder many times a day for months, as well as daily “zapping” pains in my right ear, which seem to happen when I’m hot or tired also. They are really painful and short lived. Additionally, for the last 5 years or so I’ve had annual, sometimes biannual periods of dizziness that last weeks to months before resolving. It’s like an off balance feeling when I walk/lightheadedness. The doctor has always said my ears look fine and chalked it up to an inner ear problem. I don’t want to draw correlations between other health symptoms I’ve had in the past, but I’ve wondered about it as a possibility. I’m basically a little concerned and confused. I do have a history of some health anxiety, which the GP seems to latch on to (which I understand) if I complain about things to her. But what I’ve been experiencing has been quite intense and I haven’t been feeling anxious very much at all as of late. I feel like I know my body and I can tell when I feel something because I’m anxious, or feel something that’s really happening physically. Any advice would be really appreciated, as I feel really deflated after being essentially ignored at the GP earlier. Thanks!

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Anxiety is a normal thob of in my experience so push for a diagnosis it's obviously something. But what u explained is not the same as Lhermits sign in ny opinion and exoeriance. I hade Lhermits sign for around 9 months when had new active lessons on my spinal cord its like you are being electrocuted for half a second and u can feel the electric travel down your spinal cord and arms fast and a big shock like a bolt of electric at the end that stop you in your track all the best and good luck on diagnosis.