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Any Advice?? ♡

Hi all. I'm not diagnosed with ms but I've had a lumbar puncture done on the 10/6/22 which showed matching oligoclonal bands in csf and serum, I was supposed to have another one done last year but it hasn't happened, can those results change?? My last mri was in April 23 which showed periventricular and subcortical lesions but 2 weeks ago I had numbness all down my left side from my face down to my foot, this is the 3rd time now and has happened around the same time of year and since its gone I have a painful left arm with a burning tingly kinda squeezing pain also my left side has gone back to being very weak and I have a tremor in my hand especially on movement. I'm so stiff especially in the mornings and evenings or when I sit too long and I have burning patches that can come on anywhere and I get a stabbing pain that lifts me out of it that happens in my legs when I'm not expecting it. I'm due back up in the ms clinic on the 12th of Feb but can anyone relate or give me any advice on this issue?? ♡ xx

I would ask about the McDonald Criteria for diagnosis of MS. Because - and I'm sorry if this is news - it very much looks as though you fit the criteria for diagnosis. https://mstrust.org.uk/a-z/mcdonald-criteria You have dissemination in space (lesions in periventricular area - classic for MS - and subcortical areas) and dissemination in time (even if the recent symptoms don't count as a relapse, the oligoclonal bands are suggestive of dissemination in time). I'd ask why you haven't been diagnosed and started on DMTs with this information. You don't need another LP by my reading of it.


Thank you very much @mellowmedusa for the reply 😊 ..but is it not usually just in the csf that the oligoclonal bands have to be in??, that's what I keep reading. I have matching bands in my csf and my serum but I wonder can they change? Iv had a couple of Dr's say they think it is ms and my rheumatologist was 99% certain of this too and sent a letter to my neurologist but she said it's not ms but yet she's keeping me in the ms clinic, that's what I can't understand.