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Pain in joints and other pain

I have been experiencing a lot of joint pain, pain in my right foot and leg, arm, (as well as a little bit on the other side at times). I often wake up with pain in my body. Is this common for others?? I am also very twitchy, get spasms, tingling/sort of electric feelings, electric shocks in my tongue and my brain has been pretty useless lately. I keep talking to people and go to call them a different name, or names don't come to mind - even people I know well. Thoughts just disappear mid sentence and I struggle to think of the words. My right leg often feels a bit like when you have had a sock on that has been too tight. I have tested myself with some of the tests they do. Walking on heels my right foot barely lifts and then pretty much ends up touching the floor within a few steps. With the one foot in front of the other one I am jerky and unstable and often lose my balance. Did anyone have experiences like this when they were getting tested?? I have a Neuro appt on the 7th. Nervous about this as haven't been taken seriously in the past at all. At the end of the day I just want answers. Can't wait for the appt. Been waiting so long!

@Sez81, write down all these symptoms, to ensure that you mention them at your Neuro appointment. The majority of the symptoms that you specified can be attributable to MS. However, MS doesn't directly cause physical pain. It can be indirectly responsible when we compensate for MS weaknesses and adopt bad practice, putting unnatural pressure on joints and muscles.


Have you gotten your neurological appointment