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Treatment advice

Hi, I’m Mia. I’m 22 and live in Cambridgeshire in the UK. A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with RRMS. It’s been tough as a lot has happened in a very short space of time and it’s all still very new to me. I’m looking for other people my age for advice and their experiences living with MS as I don’t know anyone personally my age or any age who has MS, so I feel quite alone. I’m currently deciding on treatment options and am eligible for the high efficiency treatments. I’m stuck between Ocrevus and Lemtrada. If anyone is having these treatments and can tell me about their experiences with them, that would be of great help. Also if anyone has any advice about how to make a decision about the treatment. Thank you for reading this

before you decide, look into HSCT.


I use ocrevus, I have no complaints except my fingers and toes get freeze easily during winter time, and it seems I have flu all the time. Again when you don’t change your diet, you can take ocrevus but the desease will still progress, and you will have many symptoms everyday.