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Newly diagnosed

Hi there, I am newly diagnosed with RRMS since last Tuesday. Had the initial MRI scan about 5 weeks ago so had been expecting the diagnosis based on that. This isn't my familys first experience of MS, my mother was diagnosed with SPMS in 1995. I have not yet started on treatment. I am due to meet with the MS nurses in a few weeks to discuss further. The neurologist did mention trying out oral medications as opposed to injections/infusions. He did not mention the names of any though. Does anyone have experience of any of the oral medications currently available for RRMS in Ireland?

I’ve been on Copaxone, Ocrevus and Aubagio with no improvements. it wasn’t until I started researching HSCT as a possible therapy to stop the MS in it’s tracks. I had HSCT completed in July of 2023 and I’m off of the Pharma DMT’s and my most recent MRI showed no progression. if I knew then with what I know now, I would’ve had HSCT 12 years ago.


how’s things, from my understanding tablet based medication is mild and the infusion based medication is the harder stuff and then hsct is the nuclear option. Now there is a strong chance I am talking out my arse on this, but I think it’s a good sign he is suggesting tablets. Hsct is meant to be pretty gruelling but they make advancements all the time etc and it will only be suggested to you if you fail a few dmts which is unlikely.