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Hi everyone hope you’re well I was diagnosed in 2007 with relapsing and remitting MS. I’ve been okay. I took DVTs at the beginning but didn’t get on very well with them and then tecfidera that was making me bloated and nauseous so I stopped taking that. my MRI shown that I didn’t have any new lesions which was really good to hear, but I haven’t been taking any DVTs, and now I’m in a position where I’m experiencing excruciating pain in my upper and lower back it’s sensitive to touch and put clothes on also get in and out of the car and go at work as I’m constantly focussed on it. The consultant has said that it has progressed to secondary MS even though there was no illusions but due to my recent symptoms, he said that. I struggle at home morning and night. life just feels like a constant struggle for me and I’m at my wits end, I don’t want to take time off work and I’m trying to get on with life but it’s becoming extremely difficult because I’m yet to find the right pain relief for me so the GP and my MS nurses are still helping me to try and find what works but it’s proving extremely difficult meanwhile I’m suffering and don’t know what to do?  can anybody else relate?

I can’t relate to your specific scenario, as my MS progression was a real whirlwind. It’s easy to tell you, to put your health first, but it’s imperative in maintaining the pace you’re at or the end goal you require. If it requires a tiny break, and time to slow-down, it could of course benefit you, and those around you in the long-run, no?


I would agree, sometimes you need to stop to help both your physical and mental health as you can end up on a downward spiral. Like you, I don't tolerate medication well, couldn't cope with tecfidera for more than 2 months. For me, cladribine/mavenclad was great. I had to take 3 courses of this but things are now settled. I was also moved from pregabalin to duloxitine for pain relief which seems to work at low dose for me. Everyone is different, so it's a bit of trial and error. it is worth trying everything though as once you find something that works it will be so much better. If you are able to take a break too then all the better as otherwise it becomes increasingly stressful. Good luck ...