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How do you all deal with external stresses?

So I finished work yesterday around 5pm to a text message at 4pm from my wife stating she brought my son to the doctor. He was complaining about a pain in his abdomen. Doctor suggested we take him for an ultrasound at the hospital. Might be appendicitis... he's 11. He's there now, stayed overnight and they were surprised we caught it that early, his appendix might be saved, no surgery needed. That being said, my wife is a mess and I'm tryna keep it together as well. How, as "MSers" do you all deal with stress? I've dealt with a lot since covid 2020: major projects for work as a lead, training a new employee, my MS testing and diagnosis, wife car accident and subsequent breast cancer and double mastectomy, both kids's broken arms, a finger, and finger sprain, whole family getting Covidnin march even though w e had just gotten our 3rd vaccines... financial struggles bc wife isn't working anymore even though I've gotten a good raise at work, and interest rates for our mortgage going through the roof... It's a lot... and I'm not sure how I hold it all in and deal with it but I am sure it is not good for my brain or health. I've also put on weight, even though I'm thinner everywhere except my constantly MS related bloated stomach... Thanks for coming to my Ted talk and venting session. Would be nice to hear from others like me know their coping mechanisms.

I struggle with it & it does impact my ms I think Try meditation, anything fitness related if u can , a walk/outing in fresh air , counselling if possible to help u get everything out of you & coping mechanisms I know stress & negative emotions has a bad impact on my fatigue Speak to her if u can to i know ur both going through things Try nt to worry you've been through a lot & have managed a lot


Best advice I can offer is that you must share with someone. Be it your wife, friend, anyone who you can trust. It’s ok to not be coping sometimes but you can’t bottle that up…it’s not good for us. Do please do your future self a favour and just talk….you don’t have a glass head! They can’t tell what’s going on. Iv been there and it’s so damaging for our MS….good luck 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿