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When are you ready?

Hello Brave Souls, This is my first post. I understand that everyone with MS is different. The questions that I have might be hard to answer but how did you know when you were ready to return to work? I’m a teacher and I truly miss my job but I feel I’m still struggling with the “bounce back” that so many doctors have promised and told me. Also, how do you know if it’s a true relapse? I know certain things can cause triggers like colds, allergies, infections, heat, etc.

Hello @Hollie18 welcome to the crazy world of MS. I have no experience of your situation in relation to returning to work but I do have experience of being told about the bounce back. In Nov 2019 I couldnt walk longer than 10 mins due to debilertating vertigo and dizziness. (I had been a gym goer for years before this) I so worried this was my new normal! The only MS person I knew was my MS nurse at that point. She said "I promise you won't feel like this forever" and "MS is fluid." I decided to concentrate on what I could do (mental planning) and after 3-4 months I noticed my energy levels had returned to normal and MS symptoms gone. I slowly returned to exercise through Couchto5K not knowing how far i'd get. I completed the 9 week course & in Novbember 2022 ran 90K for an MS charity.Everyone's "bounce back" time will be different. Concentrating on what I could do helped get me through.Soiunds like teaching is yopur passion. Trust in time and you will get back there x


Teacher here. Had an episode last year which meant 7 weeks off work. I probably should have had more but staying home was making the stress worse and by the time the ms team saw me they couldn't confirm a relapse as things had improved and called it a flare instead. I went back on reduced time table, no cover, no duty for a couple of weeks.