Testing the Efficiency of Stress Reduction at Reducing MS Symptoms

As part of my Masters Degree program, I devised and tested a psychological hypothesis. My hypothesis was: Daily Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction meditation measured in 50 minutes per day, will reduce MS-caused anxiety, measured by the Kurtzke Expanded Disabilities Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale. The Kurtzke Expanded Disabilities Scale is used to measure MS disability and according to that scale I have multiple sclerosis-related disabilities in 3 Functional Systems (FS) measures: pyramidal, bladder/bowel and visual. My overall level on the Kurtzke EDSS scale, which ranges from 1 (no obvious disability) to 10 (death from MS) is 6. Level 6 means intermittent or unilateral constant assistance (cane, crutch, brace) required to walk about 100 meters with or without resting and the usual FS equivalents are combinations with more than two FS grade 3+ in severity. On the Hamilton Anxiety Scale, which is used to measure anxiety (as its name obviously suggests), my score was 24 out of a possible 56 points. Scores in the 18 – 24 range are indicative of mild to moderate anxiety levels. Call me and I can walk you through setting up your own experiment. As you will read in my next post, my findings were substantial!