Shared response

I was responding to one of you and it occurred to me that the person's concern is probably shared by many, so I will share the response here: Hi ..., from both a personal and psychological standpoint I can assure you that our motivation levels are never constant. MS-caused depression, fatigue and brain fog can all play havoc with our thought processes and motivation. Don't worry about not flying... your turn will come one day. The thing I've learned about my own MS journey is that some days are better than others and I can actually get things done. Other days it's a battle just to get out of bed. Can your motivation level be changed? Yes. You can exercise your brain just like any muscle and you can set small, achievable goals and work towards them. Remember though, that while you are working towards those goals you are carrying a one tonne elephant called MS along with you. You will need more time to reach your goals than a person without MS would but do you remember the fable about the tortoise and the hare? You may actually get there first, lol.