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Back to school (Teacher edition)

Any other teachers? I am entering my 12th as an elementary teacher. I LOVE teaching; however, I am absolutely dreading being stressed, exhausted (on top of the fatigue), overstimulated, and lacking capacity for myself and my small family. I don’t have hobbies for myself because I can literally keep together enough to only work. My husband takes good care of me and the home on top of his own full time job. Part time for me is not an affordable option and we’d lose insurance. I’m anxious about going back and doing it again.

Please find yourself splina and dexintoxicate yourself with that product. You will see that the fatigue will disappear completely,also you will have enough strength to do your job. Also try to change your diet if you can especially stay away from gluten,because teacher they walk around in the classroom and you need to be able to walk, taking gluten for long run it will affect your mobility. Stay away from dairy and decrease sugar because that will affect your brain. If reading find yourself the wahls protocol and read it, or find yourself healing Ms written by Ann borroch and read part 3 and 4 , then follow instructions in the book. Dexintoxicate yourself, that is the only way you will be able to work like people who don’t have Ms. Just google it , and they will show you where to purchase it. The other thing is that products has helped me to avoid Ms symptoms like tremors, speech impairment, bladder issues, inability to pee or poop, extreme fatigue,too many things.


Another thing no more processed foods, it will destroy your health when you have Ms. It’s done by Aaron boster Md 5 Tips for the Newly Diagnosed" on YouTube Watch "Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Video: MS Fatigue Management" on YouTube https://youtu.be/T2wYmbCjZMM?si=Bc9A818gsBV9_VTn