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Not sure

Hello all. New to the site. Just thought I'd tell you alittle bit about myself. You have all, I'm sure, had similar stories. 2 years ago I started having extreme heart palpitations to the point that I thought I was having a heart attack and crazy fatigue. My pulse went down to 36 bpm and oxygen 87. I was rushed to the hospital were, Thankfully it wasn't a heart attack. I had echoes done and a Holter fitted and found that my left ventricle had a electrical issue.  I was put on pills and scheduled for a catheter ablation. When the time came for the ablation there wasn't enough PVC's too warrant the ablation, even though they were symptomatic (fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, vision and memory issues and high blood diastolic pressure when standing up "POTS") The cardiologist suggested that the PVS,s were second to something else and I should go back to my family doctor. I revisited my doctor and he but it down too mental health, said I was depressed and had anxiety, no s**t I said, I've been feeling like this for awhile now and that one day I was in the gym 2 hours every morning and competing in marathons and the next I needed to sleep after I'd done the laundry. He put me anti anxiety/depression medication which started to help once I was on the right one. The symptoms continued to progress, I can't go all day without sleeping, my muscles feel worn out, my back arms and legs are sore and my feet and hands feel like they have sunburn. My calves feel so tight it makes me walk funny and I now have tremors. I finally changed my family doctor because he just wouldn't leave the mental health alone. I was getting annoyed. My new doctor is fantastic. She started the ball rolling on the MS/MG side of things. I then saw a neurologist, she examined me and did a few little tests and said "in her experience it's unlikely you have MS but we will send you to get a head and neck MRI" which I'm still waiting for. In the meantime I'm booked into see internal medicine and a hematologist as they found some abnormalities in my serum inflammization blood work. So who knows if it's MS or not but I feel that is what it is.

Praying for you! Sounds like you have been through a lot. It seems that Docs. often blame your mental health when and if all their years and money hasn't proven worthy to diagnose adequately. However, positivity certainly helps make it through the rough days.