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Self catheterisation

Hey all Iv just been told I may have to start self catheterisation. I’m freaking out. Please send positive experiences. I’m literally crying in the hospital car park.

Just sending hugs. My Mum (who has progressive MS and has just turned 81) has to do this...or rather my Dad does. She's recently been advised to have an op to have something internally fitted, but refuses as she has an absolute fear of going into hospital (some bad experiences...she nearly always gets an infection when she has to stay in), so maybe you could discuss eventually having something like this, in the long term? You have my sympathy and empathy as I (who also has MS...RRMS, but think that will be rediagnosed soon) have constant bladder problems and am awaiting an appointment with urology to see about getting botox injections, to help strengthen my muscles. Sorry I haven't got any advice, I just wanted you to know you're not alone 🧡


@SamSykes I was the same so it's OK to freak out it took me months to agree it now I don't know why I made so much of a fuss, it's not easy to hear or do at the start but give it a go, you might surprise yourself, good luck