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Merry Christmas to our big MS-ing family !

The snow if falling in Ohio—-first big fat flakes of the season. ❄️🌨️ I hope everyone can find JOY in Christmas this year. 🎄 That JOY comes at times even when we are not our happiest. I love things that make me happy. 🎁 But happiness is often just a temporary reaction. I know JOY that comes from God, and this JOY is of a permanent nature. It is present, even when I am at my worst. It is deep, and calm inside me even when I may discouraged and my life may seem chaotic and unpredictable. I know this message won’t take away your physical MS hurting, but Christ was born so that He could heal your soul. And he will do it if you just ask. However you choose to celebrate the Season, remember that you have a big, crazy, dysfunctional MS-family of aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters who are just a keystroke away if you need to talk. —and if you have a dysfunctional bio family, I say welcome to the club! 😂

Yes Merry Christmas @Criscross21