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MS, OverActive Bladder and Pregnancy

I just turned 40 (!), diagnosed with RR-MS 5 years ago, and hoping to have a kid in the near future. I'm not currently any MS meds, but I take bladder meds; Solfenacin & Mirabegron for my overactive bladder. However I've been advised to come off these when trying for pregnancy. Bit daunted as I work full time, and managing my bladder will be a serious challenge. Any advice and experience would be so much appreciated! X

I don’t have the same issues that you (with bladder) but all I can say it’s for me pelvic therapy helped a bunch with post partum issues. I am uncertain whether it could help you but worth checking. I hope everything goes smooth for you. I have a three (almost four) year old little boy and he is my reason, my why, light of my life and pure joy. Everything my heart needed and continues to need every day.


@Corinna happy happy 40th birthday enjoy the 🎂