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DMTs and infection

I’m in the process of changing DMTs to Kespimta which has a high risk of infections. How careful is everyone about being around people with viruses? Do I need to steer clear of my young nephews when they are poorly? They’re not old enough to understand ‘catch it, bin it kill it’, and two of the three don’t even have to concept of covering their mouths when coughing. Do I need to be concerned about crowded public transport? I have to admit I’m scared of viruses having serious consequences when my immune system is surpressed but also scared of impact on my life. Anyone have any thoughts of experience about managing the fear of germs and weighing up risk/benefit of exposing oneself to germs/ viruses?

Hi don't let the risk of infection ruin your life by stopping you going out seeing friends etc ,I've been on kesimpta for 12 months now and yes I do take extra precautions but not gone over the top, also only had one cold since and yes it did flare my symptoms for a day but I'll take that if taking kesimpta is doing its job


I've been on kesimpta a few months now and I work in a hospital (thriving with infections) i was also worried as I have a little boy who will be coming home with cold after cold. I have to take the fact that I'd take a bad cold over a relapse anyday. I'm more aware of virus's ect but I try not to let it take over. (Easier said than done I know)