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Hi All 2 years + diagnosed with ppms , still get tea & Sympathy as no real treatments available yet. The question I ask; are there any of you with PPMS in the U.K. been started on Ocrevus yet? Ok, NICE gave, I believe the green light for its use on this type of MS in May 19 , their is 90 day period between decision and starting this treatment? ( about up ) I have approached my neurologist re this , theirs a lot of hurdles to go through to get approval, but my main stumbling block is I can’t produce my great, great,great, grandparents. Sorry I find my biggest asset is my Sarcasm since being diagnosed, my dear wife thinks I would be better off on the stage “with a trap door underneath” Seriously I would be genuinely interested to know if any one with PPMS has started this treatment in the U.K.

@andrew4612 Under your post above there is a box marked Ocrevus that'll take you to other posts made about it. There are are a few people using it already. Hope you manage to get on it.