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Statins? Simvastatin 80mg question

Is anyone here taking Statins? Either as part of the MS-STAT trial ( https://www.nihr.ac.uk/documents/case-studies/ms-stat-impact-case-study/21482 ) or just because - of simvastatin 80mg or any other dose of atorvastatin for that matter? I have persuaded my GP to give me atorvastatin (one of the same class of drugs) as it has - apparently - a better side effect profile than simvastatin. I am interested t know what - if any - side effect the 80mg simvastatin dose gives commonly. Side-effects listed in data sheets seem to bear only a loose resemblance to real life as they tend to be massively over-reported because of the typical clinical trial population and the requirements - necessarily strict - for reporting on trial, which leads to anything and everything being recorded and reported with no filter. Thanks. Dom

@dominics , I was originally on Simvastatin 40mg. I was borderline for requiring a statin, so being aware of this research I opted to adopt it. For the last few years, I've been on Atorvastatin 40mg. No side-effects experienced, but I'm only on 40mg......


Thanks @stumbler . The dose equivalence means 40mg of atorvastatin is the equivalent therapeutic effect of 80mg of simvastatin. You are getting what is needed!