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Advice and positivity needed please 😊

I have me primary progressive and recently had a fall and broke my left hip (my slightly stronger side) 🙄 I was able to use a walker to slowly get around at hospital and was cleared by the Physiotherapists to leave, after a short stay. I’m now home and things are much harder than I thought. My MS symptoms are much worse and my mobility is terrible. My right side was always weaker and I have drop foot. Now I am literally dragging my right foot along when I try and get to the bathroom, often having to use a wheelchair to get me there quicker. My husband is a fab support luckily, but has anyone experienced anything like this our have any advice please??

Best support I can offer is admiration. You’ve conquered a lot there already and clearly have the courage to keep on winning. No advice, sorry, but hats off to you!


Hi @zoeb3790 that sounds so challenging, but great that you are home and hopefully your hip is healing. I haven’t experienced any broken bones, but I know that whenever I’ve had a fall, or have been unwell, it causes havoc with my walking and takes ages to get back to where I was. I always think that our MS bodies are generally coping with a lot so any additional trauma or health disruption knocks us back which causes more stress. My advice is to get support and advice from a physio, but also to give yourself time to recover. Take good care.