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Overcoming MS Diet experiences?

I was diagnosed last November and my husband (our chef) has been amazing; embracing the OMS diet - even following it himself. However, after 6 months of without falling off, it’s been hard to keep to - so cheese and a very small piece of meat are things I allow myself twice a month. (Would love a credible cheese alternative in UK!?!?) We know we’ll never know if following OMS has ‘made a difference’ but wondered if others have made Dietary changes - and their experiences?

I've been consistent in taking (High Dose) bothNaicin and B1 Thiamine daily. I've seen some minor changes do far. Check out Hom3ostasis.com and Dr. Kats.


Ive been following the OMS diet and cut out gluten. I feel like cutting out gluten has made a massive difference to my fatigue. I dont experience it that much anymore. Also i do feel alot better following the OMS diet/ lots of veg and fish.