Hey all...
Lately I've been exhausted!! I'm not sure if this is an MS thing, a heat thing or a thyroid thing. (I've got hypothyroid and take meds for it)
How does everyone deal with this?! Are there over the counter uppers or can a doctor prescribe me something?
By the time I get home from work i can't even get off the couch...
Mind you, I was just diagnosed a couple months ago and started copaxone on Friday. Could copaxone be doing this? Maybe I've got an underlining issue of some depression. The diagnoses is still pretty new and I'm still in a bit of shock from everything... I've never really been depressed before so I'm not entirely sure what it feels like... But I am constantly thinking about the diagnoses. Like, daily. It's really bothering me. I just want to forget about it and move on!!!
Thank you <3
It's probably the Copaxone, it takes a while for your body to get use to it. I took Rebif for 5 years a shot 3 times a week in the evening so you could sleep through any side effects. I still felt sluggish the next day, I switch to Tecfidera after having needle fatigue. Potter
I've been on copaxone for 7 or 8 months now. For a month or so, the shots in my leg left me feeling exhausted but I think it was because I had the depth setting wrong on the autoinjector so it really, really hurt, and after the pain went away, I'd be left feeling wiped out. I got that sorted (mostly). But copaxone itself isn't supposed to cause sleepiness, not that I've heard anyway. I feel really tired a lot of the time but I don't think it's MS fatigue. There have been times when I feel like if I don't sleep I will cry, or I feel like I have to lie down RIGHT NOW and sleep but that has only happened occasionally. My usual sleepiness is an all-day thing that is just a low-level tiredness. I figured it was from getting up so dang early for work, having a stressful job, then coming home to a super-excited lab and a teenager. As for forgetting you have MS.... I can understand! I'm newly diagnosed too (in January), and I'm happy to say there are a few days here & there now when I actually DO forget about it entirely. I'm very grateful for that, as I know many aren't as lucky. It's still new, you need time to adjust. xo