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After 8-9 years in a Daclizumab trial (my first drug since diagnosis), Dacluzimab is now licensed. However it is reserved for people, for whom other drugs have been ineffective, and I am not eligible. I have now been advised to try Tecfidera. Daclizumab is a subcutaneous injection, taken once every four weeks whereas Tecdifera is two tablets per day and I will have to adapt to side effects. I'm not entirely happy, but I guess the alternative (no meds) may well be worse. Anyone have any comments or practical advice on Tecfidera? Thanks.

Typically in the UK if you have been on a drug in a trial and it is working for you, you should be allowed to continue to take it. Have you pushed hard for this option?


Hi there, there are lots of posts about Tec on this site if you write in the search box. I’ve been on it for 9 months with no problems at all, although some people have real issues. I have never deviated from taking a tablet mid-food, and that would contain high fat and high protein. It’s not invasive with regards life style, and you have to be monitored every 3 months. I think most people who do give up on it do so pretty early on. I have another friend on here who has taken it with minimal issues, so good luck if you do go for it!