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Multiple sclerosis and cancer risk

I came up with this article recently and got so worried...https://www.mymsteam.com/resources/multiple-sclerosis-and-cancer-risk. I already fight precancerous genital lesions and I am on copaxone. I will probably have to change treatment soon because copaxone doesn't seem to work well. All the other treatments are cancer-risky 😓 Any ideas? Any experience? Pls share

I am taking Mavenclad, I already took my first year and this year our insurance changed and now it isn't covered so we are hoping MS lifelines can help me. I was diagnosed with cancer a year before my diagnosis of MS and I still felt that the benefits outweigh the risks. If you really look at a lot of medications, there is always some scary side effect and a lot have the risk of cancer. MS and cancer are scary I know firsthand, but my opinion is that life with MS is horrible, and I want to stop progression.


It seems a lot of the Ms drugs are chemo cancer-related drugs so I will not touch them and I don't blame you ... The side effects of most of these drugs are horrendous I came off all Ms related drugs and I felt so much better for it... Practically all the drugs they gave me had side effects and about 10-15 years ago I came off everything and I felt so much better for it I decided to smoke medical marijuana and also t hccbd oil and this is helped me over the past two to three years with no Ill side effects I was on copaxone and it was horrendous the injection sites were awful I got no help from nobody.. got sick and tired with all the side effects and tablets to help with the side effects that I came off everything I may be rambling a bit lol best of luck in the search for what you are looking for