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Driving licence

I have to admit I am very very angry that some narrow minded **** has reported me to the DVLA for having double vision, it is intermittent and comes and goes and I don’t tend to drive when I have double vision although I can when wearing a patch or prism as advised by eye consultant, living with this is hard enough and people have already destroyed my life without this on top ….. why can’t people leave me alone I bother no-one and I speak to very few as don’t trust many people after what has happened as a result I also have anxiety, depression and PTSD. My vision issues are the hardest to deal with as I live alone in the country with my animals and work part time I need my license to keep my job and now this is stressing me out having another dose of forms to fill in and get medical evidence from my GP I already have a work meeting soon over my absence levels. I don’t interfere in other people’s lives yet why is mine so interesting to other people am trying my best to live with this and so sick of people sticking their noses in where it’s not required ….

That's awful! I was worried that I was 'slowing up' too much to be safe to drive so put myself in for an assessment (Edinburgh too - at the Astley Ainslie) I passed the tests for reaction times but they were really concerned about my double vision too - though it's dealt with really well by my prism glasses. The idea of not driving is a scary one, especially when mobility issues make driving so important. I'm trying to get used to the idea of not driving - using trains and busses. Proving to myself that i can still get around and get by without it.


Worst is for me I live in the country no public transport unless I travel 2 miles along the road. Tried this in winter and it doesn’t work for me, had to walk home in the dark in the snow with a crutch after an eye appointment 2 1/2 hours away was in tears by time I actually got in the house, like you I find the prism or patch helps and I just take my time, I just can’t get my head around why someone would be so evil to do such a thing ???? I need my truck and was told by my eye consultant that I can drive with these when I need them …… it’s more paperwork and more stress I don’t need 😭😭😭