Severe anxiety - possible side effect?
Hi, has anyone experienced severe anxiety as a side effect from MS medication?
A close family member was diagnosed with MS about 3 years ago. She has experienced anxiety and depression in the past but recently it became severe and she doesn't know why. She switched to a new MS treatment around the same time and thought it might be a side effect but her doctor was dismissive and said he's never heard that before. She's really struggling and the anxiety meds are not working. It's become so bad that she can't be left alone. I'm not sure how to help her. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you!
I’m so sorry to she’s been dealing with that! It definitely sucks! When I was diagnosed I was referred to a therapist because they said that my life has majorly changed. I take some medicine for anxiety call Prozac. It helps me so much from the very first time I noticed the difference. That medication can only be prescribed by someone with mental health background & medicine such as psychiatric (they’re the only ones able to prescribe medication not therapists). Another thing I do, is I try to drink lots of water &/or tea, go for walks (if able to), and try to stay distracted by doing things I can possibly be able to do. I really hope peace comes her way soon! ♥️
Hey sorry to hear that m8 - yes could be side effects from meds/dmt and steroids etc or exacerbating underlying stuff going on. CBT, counciling, avoiding caffeine (triggers flight or fight bodily reactions) smoking- mindfulness meditation breathing exercises might all help chat to ur ms nurse/neuro may be able to help or refer helpful sourses- Ms society uk website Ms trust uk website My insight timer app - free yoga/meditation worksheets for working through anxiety I.e STOPP technique, thought diary etc etc Hope something helps soon take care of urself and them sending u much support 🤞👍💪❤️🩹