Transilient feelings

I had MRI's and Lumbar Puncture back in early January after going to A&E on New Years eve with pins and needles and numbness down my right side. At one point in A&E I could only feel half the chair behind my back and when my wife rub down my right side if felt like pins. They started me on gabapentin and during January the pins and needles started to feel better and the numbness eased off and control in my right hand improved. Since the end of January I get a buzzing sensation on occasion I mainly feel it in my diaphragm, stomach and arms and if bad my legs also. I had no idea what this was when it first turned up and I am not going to lie it really scared me and the GP was unsure of what it was also. It turns out after research it is very similar to Lhermitte's sign (Barber Chair). Following this I was advised to go back on gabapentin which I had started to wean myself off of. Following this I had a letter from the Neuro advising that I was low risk of Chronic inflammatory disease. But since February I have been finding that I am getting transient feelings heaviness in my right arm sometimes in my leg also (mainly on the right side), pins and needles can come back but not as bad in my right hand and arm and sometimes in my left. I have also found that I am getting transient light headedness also coming in waves. I find that the light headedness is mainly when I am standing but today when I have been sitting also which hasn’t happened before. I never have it in the car when I am driving. Has anyone else experienced similar or have any advise on anything that could help with the light headedness?