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Being called 'lazy'. Need to vent 😡

I've been told by someone I work with what someone called me before they left and it hurt me quite abit. Apparently I was lazy. To think someone thinks of me in that way just shows that they haven't a clue what MS is. I work 3 days a week with stiff legs half the time, never ring in sick and I'm lazy. So many times I've said that I can't do what an able bodied person can do. There are people there who lean on tables because their back aches. I suffer with it almost daily but do I do that. No and I'm the one who's lazy. Makes me laugh. I often wonder what they would be like if they suffered like we do. Ignorance. I had to vent and get it off my chest.

Vent away you said the right word ignorance hope you are feeling better after your rant and just remember you are strong because you deal with this crap thing 😁


Well said indeed but personally I would have not held back as I cannot stand people who cannot take the time to understand what other people are going through... What people do not realize is people with MS go through hell every moment of every day it is always there reminding you...