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Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with RRMS about 2 years ago (only just found this site through the BBC article, which I am very grateful for) when I was 19, in my first year of university. Symptoms have not affected me too much (my main problem being fatigue and leg numbness) physically, I am struggling more mentally. I have lost a lot of confidence in myself socially. It is getting to the point where I cannot even hold a conversation even with some good friends and I'm feeling slowly more isolated. It frustrates me because 2 years is far too long to be feeling sorry for myself, and I know there are people far worse off in the world. Was wondering if anybody has felt similarly, or could suggest any methods to build back self-confidence again. James

James, I can totally relate to what you're saying. I got diagnosed 1.5 years ago after a couple of days of symptoms and then had a very bad relapse. I had to give up my stressful job, and became so nervous and anxious of situations where I was previously very confident. I tried to find new skills that gave me back that feeling of self worth that I lost through giving up work. I am now a great cook/ baker with a huge collection of cookbooks. I started a blog, and learnt a bit about computers as well as taking up knitting. Completing projects like this make me really proud of myself, especially when my hands are bad and I still manage to knit a few lines, etc. You should find things that make you happy, and get great at them! If you enjoy reading, make a list of books you want to read, if you like music, maybe take up playing an instrument, learn a language, start painting, etc. Some days, I give myself praise for even getting showered and dressed! Think of your life before diagnosis, and now think of all the things that you have achieved with the added stress and pressure of MS. Even getting up out of bed when you are exhausted with fatigue is a BIG DEAL!!!! When people tell you that you are brave and strong for coping with your illness, believe them, because it is true!


Hi Jame, i also just found this web site, and i am newly diagnosed(4 months now) i have Celiac as well and all i have been saying to myself is why me!!! my new out look is it could be worse!!! so i pat myself on the back for the small things now. getting out of bed is one of the hardest things but i smile and say i did it! i read the posts on this site and see that i'm not alone! take care