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My MS is now at bay!!!

. MS is a crazy type of disease that can cause so many different symptoms. I have had MS since 1994, and for me and many others its been a long hard road... I currently have MS at bay. I currently have very little to no MS pain. I stopped having exacerbations (attacks) for the last 7-8 years. Let me say that years before that I lived in pure hell from MS. I took Avonex, Copaxone, Gilenya, and God knows plenty of Steroids, with MS still causing big problems. Then one day I learned about LDN and to make this story short. LDN stopped my MS attacks and my pain over time slowly went away. I wished that back in1994 I would have learned about LDN, and how taking this one little safe pill at bed time could have saved me those years of Hell. Well this is my hello to all, and you are in my prayers @jacksonB



Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is an off-label medication, that may help with your MS. However, there is no clinical trial data to back up its effectiveness. There's no money to be made with this cheap drug, so there is only anecdotal evidence that it may work for you. There are very negligible side-effects and it won't harm you.