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Choking on water after a drink

I've developed a new habit of choking on water after a couple of drinks. I have to cough it up and spit it out which is obviously gross and embarrassing. It seems to specifically be water and only after a couple of drinks. Anyone else noticed this? What do you do about swallowing issues? I saw a SALT person soon after my diagnosis but I don't remember them giving me any advice about this. I know most HCPs will just say 'stop drinking' but it's a social lubricant and socialising is important for your mental health.

I sometimes choke on water also. I have to take little sips. If I take too much, it's like it goes down the wrong way which starts a coughing bout. Thankfully I'm usually at home and never had to spit it out


@nikchez Yeah that's it, it goes down the wrong way. How do you avoid spitting it out?