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Help! Battered by Heat from all Angles!

Just a vent........ in the UK we are having a late summer heatwave and weather is also very humid - which set off my MS symptoms at the best of times! Add into the mix a dose of Covid with a body temperature going up and down like goodness knows what, the 'funny age' for ladies and my usual burning neuropathy and I feel fit to melt - or ignite! Actually longing for the cool, crisp weather of autumn now .... so staying up in the relative cool of night time and will sleep through the heat tomorrow, I hope! Anyone else melting?

It's been horrible. It's sad to see the weather changing so rapidly to these extremes. Unfortunately it's only going to get worse. I feel bad for my kids that are going to be dealing with worse situations as they get older. It's probably going to be like a scene from the terminator. Nearly at the end of it now and hopefully after the storms the country should cool down again to its usual rainy grey miserable norm. Plenty of ice packs and fans on for the next day or so should help. Sorry to hear about the COVID. Seems like you are being battered with bad luck as well at the moment. Hope you feel better soon. All the best


I live in Spain and used to love the heat, beach, swimming pool being outside. But ms has shut that down had terrible pain and symptoms all summer my doctor recommends going out before 11am or after 18pm then spend the rest of the day hugging the AC and relaxing so in typical Spanish tradition I have been sleeping the siesta (never did before) after a light lunch and getting up early mornings to do things or late afternoon/early evening.