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Asking for an MRI?

So, I’ve finally gotten an appointment with a neuro nurse and then my neurologist at the end of this month (a week apart). I’ve been on plegridy for a year, have relapsed and haven’t had an mri since December 2021. The last neuro nurse I spoke to on the phone was quite rude and told me ‘you only get an mri when a neurologist says you need one’ but I feel that I’m well within my right to ask for (demand?) an mri now after having a relapse, on treatment, a year after my initial diagnosis? I feel like I have so many questions for them but just don’t know what to ask!

I had a similar interaction, where my MS Nurse was gatekeeping an MRI, which isn’t their role. So I explained that I believed best practice was for an MRI after new treatment if we felt it wasn’t working, to explore if I was having a relapse and possible switching of DMT. I also mentioned Nice guidelines (although these don’t quote MRI frequency). She asked me for an email regarding my symptoms and my concerns were passed on. I then was sent for an MRI by the consultant. You might find the NICE guidance interesting / useful as it explains how and what your treatment plan should be at all parts of your MS journey. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng220 Good luck, keep advocating for yourself


@Phil_lsa Thank you, I will definitely take a look at that. It’s really helpful as, even though it’s been a year and a half since my diagnosis l, I feel like I have no idea what’s going on so some guidelines will be helpful. I really appreciate your reply, though I’m sorry you’ve been through something similar. Thank you :)