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Welfare Meeting at work

I work in an aquatics department of a garden centre. I have been having issues with walking for some time and been getting around with a walking stick. Lately I have noticed I am suffering with cognitive issues and it is affecting my speech. I am struggling to find the right words when speaking to customers and colleagues. It is getting worse in the warmer weather and because of this, I have asked if I can step back from serving customers, both in person and over the phone, as I find it very embarrassing, when I lose my way in a conversation. I have asked if I could have a more advisory position to members of staff and work on the online sales side of the company. Work had initially refused my request, as they say there will not be enough staff on the shop floor if I am not serving also. I have asked them to reconsider, and sent an email outlining everything, which I can attach if you would like to see it. They have scheduled a 'Welfare Meeting' for next Thursday to discuss all the MS related issues I have, and I'm really nervous about it. I wanted to know if there is any advice you can give me?

My speech is a bit impacted and so I’m seeing a speech and language therapist next week - but (and this is just my advice - no legal background) may be stand your ground? If you enjoy and are good at your job stay doing your job 🌟


they have to make reasonable adjustments under the terms of the Equality Act. do you have a union? are you a member of a union? might be an idea to join one cos someone can accompany you to this meeting and give you some support.