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MS and Martial Arts - How to keep at it?

I was diagnosed with MS about four years ago. I immediately started implementing lifestyle intervention programs (diet, exercise, etc.). The form of exercise that I've found to be most helpful to me is martial arts. I've been studying a Korean martial art called Soo Bahk Do for a bit over a year. It's been great for my flexibility, balance and strength. My body tolerates it much better than running and weight lifting. I also enjoy it more, which helps with the motivation. All that to say, I want to keep doing this as long as I can. Any advice out there from others who have been able to practice something like this over many years post diagnosis?

That's impressive! So good, too, that you enjoy it. I expect you are a load fitter than many of your non-MS friends. I try my best with swimming and have just started personal training. It's a lifelong struggle to keep the weight off and maintain level of fitness, but as my physio loves to remind me: 'You have no choice. You have to live a happy, healthy life'.


I'm happy to hear such a positive story I'm Angie ms rr, I use yoga & positive affermayions ,as well as meditation & art, research in feilds of neuro illness understanding & health benifits for life changes ! I have changed my diet which helps tremendously -healing the gut is the base line to ALL NEURO ILLNESSES. check out nutralising your diet... laura Wilson is a no-frills writer straight to the core of site issue . Also dona Eden .Louise l hay . Barbera wren & OMS team are very cool!