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Myelin repair clinical trial - a new one

Hello all. An update on my adventures in the land of myelin repair clinical trials: I started a new one this week. This one is called Taurus 2 and uses electrical stimulation of the brain (external, painless) for 15 minutes a day for 20 days to try to get the oligodendrocytes moving. They're a type of stem cell in your brain that's responsible for repairing myelin, and we all know that's at the core of MS damage. I've had three doses, 17 to go. It's double blinded so I have NFI if I'm active or control (2/3 of the ppl in the trial are active, so decent odds). The biggest hassle so far is fitting the daily hospital visits in around full time work! Cross your fingers for me. If I have any updates to share I will add them in.

https://mstrials.org.au/taurus2/ has more info (they're still recruiting apparently!)


Twenty brain zaps done and everything is same same. Still no way of knowing if I was active or control, but I think I was on active treatment. For me, the biggest tell is whether I can lie still for a 40 minute MRI, which is something I had before the sessions started and right after. There was a huge difference. For the first scan, my right leg would not stay still and I had lots of twitching and moving (radiology techs HATE that ofc). For the second one, I almost fell asleep I was so relaxed. Perfectly still. Now to see how long the improvement lasts!