Newly diagnosed....which DMT
Hi everyone, newly diagnosed but have been having symptoms for 6 years. I'm am choosing a DMT and thinking Tysabri or Kesimpta. Any advice? Anyone a young mum and managing to keep this at bay for a long time?
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Hi, choosing a DMT is really difficult. You can change your mind at any time, but this could take time. I would choose what you feel is right for you. Tysabri involves going to hospital for infusion once a month. There is a small risk of PML, but it is highly effective. Kesimpta can be injected at home and might be more convenient with a young family. I think kesimpta is about 69% effective. Which is high. With regular reviews and MRIs it should be fine. I would recommend choosing what fits best for you and your lifestyle. All the best with your choice.
Cute little person on your profile pic! I found this link helpful when deciding