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is this a symptom/relapse?

Hi all, Background- Had optic neuritis back in 2023, brain MRI immediately after showed no further lesions. Have since had another brain MRI which shows a lesion. Consultant has requested spinal MRI. She explained it's likely I've got MS but they can't diagnose as technically the ON isn't a lesion. Anyway, to the actual question- This morning I woke up and my left hand feels... Funny. It's really hard to describe. almost hyper sensitive but at the same time feels numb. I've had instances today where it's not been in the position I perceived it to be, or I've dropped things, or not been able to manipulate my fingers quite right- almost as if they're really cold. But it's felt really hot (not to touch, it just feels hot to me) and then really sensitive on the palm. There was also a moment where it felt like I'd suddenly plunged it in cold water. I don't know, it's really weird but it hasn't gone away all day. Could this be a symptom/relapse? Or is it not likely and therefore something I need to get checked out without an MS lens, if that makes sense? Side note- well done if you've managed to make sense of this post- words haven't been working right for me recently, but putting it down to baby brain from.my 3 months old 😅

I’m not a doctor obviously… My MS started with a kind of numbness in my right hand. It felt kind of numb, kind of dead, just different. Things progressed a week or so later to other places on my right hand side also feeling weird. Looking at what you say about your hand it could be a lesion in your brain doing that. I hope that you get an answer to what’s going on soon!


That's a better way of descrbing it! Just sorting of "wrong" I guess? Thank you. I've called the consltant im under anyway as she said to let her secretry know if I get any other symptoms. See what she says. But it's sort of spread to my arm now too. It's a realy weird feeling. Got a spinal MRI at the end of the month so hopfully get some anwers soon!