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Managing worsening symptoms during menstruation

Hi all, I thought it might be good to reach out to the ms hive mind (the menstruating half anyway). My symptoms worsen during my period and all the relapses I have had have coincided with my period. I know from all the official info that this is quite common. How have others managed this? I stopped hormonal contraception years ago due to mental health issues, but the ms symptoms are really becoming tough to manage for a week or more most months. I’m considering trying contraception again, even though I’m worried about what they may do to my mental health. At 41 my options are more limited due to increased cancer risk, loss of bone density etc. Does anyone have any advice they can offer from their own experience? Thanks!xxx

I would be interested to know if others have any advice, I dont have periods anymore but i have notice the same every month I have more symptoms I can't sleep for a few days I'm sure it's hormones but I don't have any hormonal replacement,I am going to start having more fermented foods (like miso) whats suppose to help


Thanks for commenting, I’m sorry you are having the same issue. I think it’s an unfortunate clash of peri menopause (I also sleep badly), menstrual cycle and ms! I guess people are a bit more self conscious about talking about this topic too. Hopefully we can start a discussion! I hadn’t heard about fermented foods-thanks for that!