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Plegridy anxieties

Hi Everyone, I started on Plegridy in January and I am really struggling with the whole "injecting myself" thing. I get really bad anxiety and it takes me a while to do the injection itself. The mental side of things is starting to take its toll. Does anyone have any advice that might be able to help me deal with it better? Thanks! :)

Hi, I was taking Avonex and harpooning myself in the muscle once a week. Now I have been prescribed plegridy. Which is a smaller needle, but still a needle. There are tablets and infusions which can be prescribed. Some are more effective, but may have side effects. I would recommend going to your prescriber, or nurse and explain the anxiety the injection is causing. They should offer you something you can take. I have found getting the drugs I want very difficult. I hope you can get some help and change to a drug which suits you better. Good luck.


Hi, thank you for your help :) I have been offered lots of different drugs, although this one was the best, I'm lucky really that its only once a fortnight :) The other drugs, particularly the tablets gave side effects that included infertility - something I'm understandably not keen on. Thank you so much for your help!