Missed my Gabapentin and Baclofen. Boy did I pay the price.

I have been really forgetful lately and ironically it always happens on my “good days”. It’s becoming more noticeable lately and I’m getting a little worried. I was in the store and my alarm went off for my medicine and I didn’t have anything to drink. Idk about you but ever since this lovely illness, I can’t dry swallow a pill anymore so I wait. My next alarm goes off and that’s for my Cymbalta. I now realize I can’t take my other meds because of interactions and sedation blah blah. I take my next dose that evening and I’m feeling dizzy and just funny. I assume I’m just tired. I jump in the shower and because I was feeling off I made sure the temperature was cool. I would say maybe 5 minutes taking a shower, I felt like my limbs were on fire. The only reason the rest of me wasn’t burning was because it was going numb. I get out and it was like a wave hit me with overwhelming fatigue and needles on my back and torso. It’s going to be a long night 😫