Flying Canes

At 3 am this morning I was careening down hospital hallways, canes flying as I miraculously kept up with the nurse who was pushing my daughter's wheelchair from the Emergency department to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at top speed. My daughter is 23 weeks into a complicated pregnancy and her baby was thinking about being born today. I'm an optimist, sometimes nauseating in my determination to see the silver lining so bear with me: my daughter and her still-unborn baby are stable tonight and may be able to come home tomorrow and I CHASED A WHEELCHAIR AT TOP SPEED AND WAS ABLE TO KEEP UP. My daughter was as amazed to see me in her hospital room when she got there, as I was. Adrenaline? Maybe. Panic? Definitely. Tonight I'm exhausted, relieved she and baby are safe and I have to admit I'm darn proud of myself for my amazing feat of physical strength and determination to not let her out of my sight. Today MS - 0, Heidi - 1.