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PPMS So confussd with everything at the moment

I was dignosed on the 4th December 2023. Thinking back not sure of exact date when everything started to change. But I have definitely struggled since 2020. Work was extremely busy through covid. I'm a partner in a Domiciliary care company so I was putting thing down to overworked through covid but I'm sure now it was the early part of my MS Jorney When have you started to notice things were different? During this time I fell badly and broke bones,firstly my left ankle then my left elbow and then it was my right ankle. Over 2 years. I was numb pins and needles all down one side. There is more but wanted to say first before I tell all.

I was diagnosed on Oct 2017 neuro traced back to when I was 21 so have actually had RRMS for 20 yrs now for the most part totally oblivious. Some peeps are clumsy, everyone gets dead arms and feet fall asleep right??? Try not to overthink it you will drive yourself nuts trying to see the patterns & put all the pieces together believe me I know ( I work with adults with LD so I get it promise) try to look after you & yours and if your researching , symptom searching or symptom prob solving try to breathe and stick to the trusted sources such as ms trust , ms society and shift don’t believe everything you read or hear coz ms in all its forms is as individual as we are as people & others journey’s won’t & don’t have to be yours - promise 💪👍✊🫂🍀