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Dealing with in laws this weekend

My mother and father in law have their own share of chronic health issues so they empathize somewhat with what I have, yet they haven’t seen me since my diagnosis and there will be other relatives there that won’t understand. We live several hours away and we’ll be going to visit them and all my husband’s family this weekend. My legs have been giving me the most problems this week, even with adequate sleep and yoga. I just can’t seem to get comfortable no matter if I sit, stand, lay down, it’s no use. I’m very weak and lose my balance at times, I feel like I’m going to fall backwards. They always expect me to entertain and to be energetic and upbeat as that’s how I’ve always been up till now. Now I’m a slug. How do I explain or do I even try?

It’s too hard to explain to everyone. Sometimes I literally ask if it is ok if I remove myself mid way through a party to go lie down in a back room with couch or bed. And then I do so. It’s not rude. I literally have to sleep 2 hours every day even when I’m at home all day, doing not much activity. It is also hard for me to be upbeat—and there I really do feel guilty sometimes. It is not who I want to be. Conservation is key. Conservation of movement and even conservation of any activity that is overwhelming or overstimulating. Those who love you will need to understand. We have to learn to ask for help. IT is not that I couldn’t physically do X, but after doing X, Y, Z , P, M, A and B, my body says COLLECTIVELY that was way too much for today! God bless you and Merry Christmas!


Thank you for validating how I already feel most days. I just woke up from another day nap. I worked yesterday and that exhausted me for today. I’ll have to excuse myself and go lie down then if I feel too overwhelmed. Screaming children are another one of my triggers too that I’m not looking forward to. Kids are alright, but their screaming and crying literally gets on my MS nerves. I get super tingly and almost fall over if I’m standing. Anyway thank you and Merry Christmas to you too @Criscross21 !