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Midst diagnosis

Hey everyone, thank you for having me apart of Shift. I reside in Ontario, Canada and have been trying to get a diagnosis since October 2020. I know all MSers have different experiences and symptoms but I was wondering if anyone has also been dealing with: -brain and spine lesions that are affecting their nervous system causing tingles, numbing and spasms, pain and burning sensations. Mine are more so located from my waist down, on my right side (dominate). -brain fog, dazing or memory loss? This is new for me and I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but it’s starting to progress and interfere with my day to day life and it’s so frustrating. -extreme tiredness, some days I can’t even stay awake I have had MRIs-spinal, brain, and body from what I’m understanding there hasn’t been any changes from my last one but without diagnosis I can’t determine if this is MS or not. I don’t know how to tell if I’m having a relapse and it’s scary. I hope that all of you are well and doing okay! Stay strong! Everyday is a new day 🧡 Thank you for reading my rant.

Diagnosis is a difficult time and can take time, which definitely causes mental health issues. I don’t have all the same symptoms, but I definitely had memory problems and fatigue. I think it was my waking with headaches and falls, which prompted my MRI. Because of no change to my lesions for a few months, I was first diagnosed with Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS). It took another MRI before I was diagnosed with MS. Diagnosis is a super tough time (and long). I hope you have supportive people around you.


Hi Dril, diagnosis is hard it took 6 years before I was diagnosed and my first symptoms was numbness on my left side from my toes all the way to hip, I couldn't feel anything & that was when they started the investigation on if I had MS after that I used to get numbness in my hands & some in my legs & all they would do is do a MRI every 6 months it wasn't until 2019 I was feeling really bad blurred vision, pain in chest, very unbalanced & they did an MRI in Nov/Dec & they told in March that I had MS & that's why I wasn't feeling good. But it's crazy because by time they had told me I was better again... they just take their time with stuff and it's not good.