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Newly diagnosed RRMS considering Copaxone

Hi All I'm just recently had a MS diagnosis 😢. I was with my MS nurse today and considering DMTs. My head is fried! I have been very anti all things medication my whole life and when I read the possible side effects of these meds... my anxiety is through the roof! I have stomach and Gastro issues so I feel tablets aren't for me. The only other medications available to be as 1st line treatment are the injectables. I am considering copaxone 40mg 3/week. Can I have anyone's experiences of this DMT please 🙃

I used avonex for 1st line as it was only 1 injection a week


I was on copaxone for 10 years , it's annoying having to do 3 injections a week but I honestly loved it! I never had a problem with it, the injection site might get a little bit sore but you will get used to it, it kept me relapse free for 10 years! Hope that helps! Xxxx