Update from the last post

I finally got into my "new" primary care and my questions were about my bladder leaking, severe neck pain, joint pain and numbness in my hands and feet. I had more concerns but he only had 5 minutes to talk.. I was referred for physical therapy for my bladder( not sure how that works by video) x-rays for my neck that checked out to be a slight curvature in my neck more physical therapy and my numbness is maybe from my blood sugars being elevated. Hmmmmmm yeah what do you guys think. ? So I emailed the same doctor to ask about my still ever present tingling numb fingers and sometimes toes and sometimes my heels and he asked if it may be carpal tunnel.. It's been 3 years my hands and feet have been going numb.. My fatigue is off the charts... One day I feel okay the next I want to crawl in a cave. Thank you listening I'm still feeling off.. My next meeting is to talk about getting my nerves tested. In this case maybe a step in the right direction